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Training Schedule

The project will organize short term staff training events in each partner organization. The aim of the events is to study the ten basic dimensions of Computational Thinking and to produce learning scenarios for all dimensions.

27 – 31
Janu­ary 2020

C1 First short term staff training event | COMPLETED

Event Theme: Computational thinking and pedagogical implications
Country: Greece
Location: Rhodes, Greece

November 2021

C2 Second short term staff training event | COMPLETED

Study of dimensions of computational thinking:
1. Creative problem solving
2. Algorithmic approach to problem-solving
Country: Lisbon, Portugal

February –
March 2022

C3 Third short term joint staff training event | COMPLETED

Study of dimensions of computational thinking:
3. Problem solution transfer
4. Logical reasoning
Country: Tenerife, Spain

June –
July 2022

C4 Fourth short term staff training event | COMPLETED

Study of dimensions of computational thinking:
5. Abstraction
6. Generalization
7. Representation and organization of data
Country: Bergen, Norway

July 2022

C5 Fifth short term staff training event | COMPLETED

Study of dimensions of computational thinking:
8. Systemic thinking
9. Evaluation
10. Social impact of computation
Country: Kos, Greece