Technology-Enhanced Learning in Science and Mathematics Education

I. TEL in Science Education

[analogical reflection, reflection, metacognition, explanation, electricity, mechanics, kinematics, chemistry, acids and bases concepts, inquiry learning, students’ worksheets, modelling activities, microworlds, simulation, intelligent tutoring system, video, static images, real objects, secondary education, primary education]

  1. Kritikos, G., & Dimitracopoulou A. (2017). Secondary Students’ Analogical Reflections on Unfamiliar Scientific Concepts, International Journal of Technologies in Learning 24(2):25-36 · January 2017, DOI: 10.18848/2327-0144/CGP/v24i02/25-36 [EN]
  2. Kritikos G., & Dimitracopoulou A. (2014). The impact of the Analogical Reflection on the Metacognitive Awareness, in The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning, Vol 20, 2014, , ISSN 2327-7971, © Common Ground [EN]
  3. Kritikos G. & Dimitracopoulou A. (2011). ART (Analogical Reflection Tool): using analogies to promote reflection in science education, Reinhardt W., Ullmann T., Scott P., Pammer V., Conlan O. & Berlange A. (eds.), Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks, In the 6th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Towards Ubiquitous Learning, Palermo, Italy, 21 September,, pp.130-137, ISSN 1613-0073. [EN]
  4. de Jong T., Joolingen W., & Dimitracopoulou A. (2007). Issues in Computer Supported Inquiry Learning in Sciences. Editorial in Special Issue on Computer Supported Inquiry Learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23, issue 2, pp. 111-119 [EN]
  5. Smyrnaiou, Z., & Dimitracopoulou (2007). Inquiry based activities using a variety of pedagogical tools. CBLIS 2007. 8th International Conference on Computer Based Learning in Sciences, 30 June- 6 July, 2007, Heraklion, Grete, Greece. [EN]
  6. Kritikos, G., & Dimitracopoulou, A., (2007). Collaborative Modelling Activities with the Technological Environment MODELLINGSPACE: Creation of Abstract & Generic Kinematics’ Models, Proceedings of 4th Hellenic Conference of School Teachers on ICTs in Education “Exploiting ICTs in Educational Act”, e-Network Union, Syros, 4-6 May 2007, Volume Β, pp. 306-316. [GR]
  7. Orfanos S. Dimitracopoulou A. (2007). Exploration of educational usages of technology based modelling for teaching Cinematics in secondary education. 10ο common congress of Hellenic Union of Science Teachers & Cypriot Union of Sciences Teachers: The science of Physics in the service of humans for education, 2-4 Μarch 2007, Corfu, Greece. [GR]
  8. Smyrnaiou, Z., Komis, V., Dimitracopoulou, A. (2006), contribution à l’étude des raisonnements des élèves sur les acides et bases avec l’utilisation de vidéo, des objets réels et de logiciel éducatif, 8ème biennale internationale de l’éducation et de la formation, INRP, Lyon (France), 11-4 avril 2006, [FR]
  9. Orfanos S. & Dimitracopoulou, A (2006). Taking advantage of technologies for realization of experiments in kinematics. The example of a script for the counting of gravity with the support of video and software for video and image treatment. 11th Congrees of Hellenic Union of Physicists, Larisa, 30 March- 2 April, 2006, [GR]
  10. Smyrnaiou, Z., Politis, P., Dimitracopoulou, A. & Komis V. (2005), The role of real and virtual experiments in Science learning. In 7th International Conference on Computer Based Learning in Science, CBLIS, 2-6 July, Zilina, Slovakia, pp. 296-304. [EN]
  11. Smyrnaiou, Z., Politis, P., Komis, V & Dimitracopoulou A. (2005), The role of interactions in Science learning using three educational mediums: video, technology-based learning environment and real objects, In 11th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, 23-27 August, Nicosia, Cyprus, pp. 1027-1028, [EN]
  12. Dapontes Ν. & Dimitracopoulou A. (2005). Newtonian games: The dynamoturtle microworlds. In (Ed.) N. Tsimopoulos, 3rd Congress of ICTs in Educational Practice, Syros, May 2005, HICTE. [GR]
  13. Dimitracopoulou, A. (2004). Current & New Trends of the applications of Information & Communication Technologies for Teaching & Learning Physics Sciences. In Ι. Κekes (Ed). New Technologies & Education: Design aspects, Philosophical and Social Extensions.  Atrapos Editions, Union of Hellenic Physics Scientists pp. 203-249. [GR]
  14. Dimitracopoulou A. (invited talk, 2003). Modelling Activities in Schools with a collaborative technology-based learning environment: Scenarios of use in secondary education. In (Ed) P. Massouras, Information Technologies & Education, 13-14 December 2002, CCS, Cyprus, pp. 35 [GR]
  15. Komis V., Raptis A., Politis P., Dimitracopoulou, (2004). Modeling educational software in Science Education, In Ι. Κekes (Ed). New Technologies & Education: Design aspects, Philosophical and Social Extensions. Atrapos Editions, Union of Hellenic Physics Scientists pp.113-135. [GR]
  16. Kommatas, N., Fortouni, J., Fragkaki M., Passalis, N. Dimitracopoulou A. (2004). Combining Real Experiments in Chemistry and Technology based Cognitive Tools for students of Primary Education. In M. Grigoriadou, S. Vosniadou, A. Raptis, C. Kynigos (Eds). Proceedings of 4rth Hellenic Congress with International Participation, ICTs in Education, Athens, 29/1-1/10 2004, New technologies Editions, Vol. B’, pp. 25-34 [GR]
  17. Smyrnaiou Z., Dimitracopoulou, A., Politis, P., Komis V. (2004) The use of video, real objects and technology-based learning environment for modeling during teaching sessions in Physics Sciences. In M. Grigoriadou, S. Vosniadou, A. Raptis, C. Kynigos (Eds). Proceedings of 4rth Hellenic Congress with International Participation, ICTs in Education, Athens, 29/1-1/10 2004, New technologies Editions, Vol B’, pp. 45-54 [GR]
  18. Orfanos S. & Dimitracopoulou Α. (2004). Learning Activities in Kinematics-Physics supported by the modeling environment ModellingSpace In N.Tzimopoulos & M. Iosifidou (Eds) Proceedings of 2nd Hellenic Conference, “Teachers and ICTs in Education”, HICTE, Syros, Greece, 9-11 May 2003, New technologies Editions, Vol. A’. pp.555-567 [GR]
  19. Orfanos S. & Dimitracopoulou A. (2004). Contribution of the simulation of the technology based learning environment MODELLINGSPACE to the conceptualization of kinematic’s concepts. Proceedings of 12th Hellenic Conference, Hellenic Union of Physics’ Teachers, Kalamata, Greece, January 2003. [GR]
  20. Orfanos, S. & Dimitracopoulou A. (2003). Technology based modelling activities and the contribution in learning concepts’ relations in kinematics. Second International Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education (m-ICTE 2003), 3-6 December 2003, Badajoz, Spain,,, In A. M. Vilas, J.A. M. Gonzalez, J. M. Gonzalez (Eds) Advances in Technology-Based Education: Toward a Knowledge-Based Society. II International conference on multimedia ICT’s in Education, Badajoz, Spain, Dec 3-6 2003, Edition: Junta de Extremadura, Consejeria de Education, Volumes: I-III, Collection. 3, pp. 1353-1357. [EN]
  21. Vosniadou S., Ioannides C., Dimitracopoulou, Papademitriou E. (2001). Designing Learning Environments to promote conceptual understanding, LEARNING and INSTRUCTION, 11 (2001). pp. 381-419. [EN]
  22. Fessakis G., Kalavassis F., & Dimitracopoulou A. (2001). Technology based Modelling Activities in secondary Education: Exploration and experimentation. In (Ed) V. Makrakis, Proceedings of Hellenic congress with international participation, “New Technologies in education and Distance Education”, Atrapos Editions, pp. 673-688. [GR]
  23. Dimitracopoulou A. (2000). Qualitative Exploratory Software for Sciences Education : Central Design Principles. In (Eds). A. Kollias, A. Margetousaki & P. Michailides Proceedings of 4th congress, Mathematics Education and Informatics in Education, ION Editions, pp.85-93 [GR]
  24. Dimitracopoulou & Komis V. (2000). The role of mathematics in the learning process in sciences: Alternative approaches and applications in educational softwares. In (Eds) F. Kalavassis & M. Meimaris. Interdisciplinary approach of Mathematics and Mathematics Education. Gutenberg editions, pp.261-180, [GR]
  25. Kayser D., Vosniadou S., Champesme M., Ioannides C., Dimitracopoulou (1999). Modelling elementary school students’ solutions of mechanics problems., In D. Kayser, S. Vosniadou, (Eds.) Modelling Changes in Understanding: Case Studies in Physical Reasoning, Elsevier editions., pp. 95-126 [EN]
  26. Dimitracopoulou (1999). The educational applications of information technologies in teaching of physics science: what they offer and how we exploit them? (invited paper) EPITHEORISI FYSIKIS, 3rd Period, Vol. H’, No 30, pp.48-58. [GR]
  27. Dimitracopoulou A., & Dumas-Carre A 1996). Pour une vision plus elaborée du processus explicatif dans les environnements d’apprentissage en Physique. (Ed) M. Joab, Congress EXPLICATION’96, Sophia Antipolis, 19-20-21 Juin, France, Editions INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, pp. 323-342. [FR]
  28. Dimitracopoulou A., & Dumas-Carre A (1996) Tuteur humain and tuteur artificiel: comparaisons. 3th Congress of Science Education and Innovation. Nantes, Nantes University Editions, pp. 90-99. [FR]
  29. Dimitracopoulou A., (1993). ARPIA: A “didactical” intelligent tutorial system of aid for the initial representation of mechanics problems. In (Ed). A.Mikropoulos & E. Koleza, Hellenic Congress with International Participation “Didactics of Mathematics and Computers in Education”, University of Ioannina Editions, pp.197-216. [GR]
  30. Dimitracopoulou A., Dumas-Carre A. (1992). Un tutoriel d’aide à la resolution des problèmes de Mecanique, adapté à l’apprenant. In (Ed). 5èmes Journées Nationales, Informatique et Pédagogie des Sciences Physiques, pp.63-68, INRP editions. [FR]
  31. Dimitracopoulou A. (1992). Les operations didactiques d’un tutoriel adapté à l’apprenant. In A. Giordan, J-L., Martinand (Eds). Années 2000: enjeux et ressources de la formation et de l’éducation scientifique et technique. Actes de XIVèmes Journées Internationales sur l’Education Scientifique. Chamonix,pp. 369-374. [FR]

II) Technology Enhanced Learning in Mathematics

[Concepts understanding, creativity development, modelling, data science education, microworlds, learning games, problem solving]

  1. Tsafou-Apostolopoulou, D.& Fessakis, G. (2017) Interdisciplinary approach of the pattern concept for pre-primary school children through ICTs, Literature and Music: Digital game: “The Music House” in Papanikolaou, Gogoulou, Zympidis, Ladias, Tzortzakis, Bratitsis, Panagiotakopoulos, (Eds), Proceedings of the 5th Panellenic Confernce on: Integration of ICTs in Educational Practice”, pp. 467-478, ASPETE, 21-23 April, 2017, ISSN 2529-0924, ISBN 978-618-83186-0-1. [GR]
  2. Giannakopoulos, P. & Fessakis G. (2017). Understanding of pre-algebraic concepts , through generalization of digital patterns: Case study with students of 11-12 years old, in Papanikolaou, Gogoulou, Zympidis, Ladias, Tzortzakis, Bratitsis, Panagiotakopoulos, (Eds), Proceedings of the 5th Panellenic Confernce on: Integration of ICTs in Educational Practice”, pp. σ. 171-182, ASPETE, 21-23 April, 2017, ISSN 2529-0924, ISBN 978-618-83186-0-1. [GR]
  3. Fessakis, G. Lappas, D. Mavroudi, E. (2015). Could Computer Games Based Problem Solving Positively Affect the Development of Creativity in Young Children ?, In K.Heider, M.Renck Jalongo (Eds.) Young Children and Families in the Information Age: Applications of Technology in Early Childhood, V10, Springer, 207-225 [EN]
  4. Fesakis, Kafousi S., Malisiova E., (2011). Intuitive conceptions of kindergarten children about the total of two dice problem, through the use of a microworld. The International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education (IJTME), 18(2), University of Plymouth, pp.:61-70. [EN]
  5. Fessakis Lappas D., (2013). Cultivating Preschoolers Creativity Using Guided Interaction with Problem Solving Computer Games, In C. Carvallo and P. Escudeiro (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL2013), Vol. 2, 2-4 October 2013, Porto, Portugal, pp.: 763-770. [EN]
  6. Politis P., Komis V., Dimitracopoulou A. (2000). Logical Rules and activities of decision making using an educational software of modelling. In (Eds). A. Kollias, A. Margetousaki & P. Michailides Proceedings of 4th congress, Mathematics Education and Informatics in Education, ION Editions, pp. 205-212. [GR]
  7. Komis V., Dimitracopoulou A., & Politis P. (2000). Activities on the concept of analogy with the use of a modelling learning environment. In (Ed) A. Jimoyannis, Hellenic congress “Informatics and Education”, University of Ioannina, pp. 125-138. [GR]
  8. Dimitracopoulou & Komis V. (2000). The role of mathematics in the learning process in sciences: Alternative approaches and applications in educational softwares. In (Eds) F. Kalavassis & M. Meimaris. Interdisciplinary approach of Mathematics and Mathematics Education. Gutenberg editions, pp.261-180, [GR]
  9. Dimitracopoulou A., (1997). The learning exploitation of the feedback on the computerised learning environments – The contribution of Mathematics Education. In (Eds) Τ. Patronis, P. Pintelas, 3rd Congress Mathematics Education and Computers in Education. University of Patras, Editions Pneumatikou, pp.xvi-xix. [GR]