• Boufi, Α. & Kafoussi, (1991). Teachers’ conceptions of students’ mathematical errors and conceived treatment of them. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), vol. I, 176-183. Ed. Fulvia Furinghetti, Assisi, Italy.
  • Boufi, Α. & Kafoussi, S. (1993). Learning opportunities in an in-service teacher development program. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on the Psychology of Mathematics Education(PME), vol. II, 207-214. Eds. Ichiei Hirabayashi, Nobuhiko Nohda et al., Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
  • Kalavassis, F. & Kafoussi, S. (1999). Τhe influence of teachers’ beliefs of different levels of education on students’ mathematical culture. Proceedings of CIEAEM 51, “Cultural Diversity in Mathematics (Education)”, 217-222. A. Ahmed, J.- M. Kraemer & H. Williams, Horwood Publishing, Chichester.
  • Kafoussi, S. & Ntziahristos, E. (2001). An assessment of Greek students’ knowledge on place value concepts and whole number operations. Proceedings of thirtieth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, “Mathematics and Education in Mathematics”, 297-303.
  • Kafoussi, S. (2002). Learning opportunities in a kindergarten about the concept of probability. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on the Psychology of Mathematics Education(PME), “Learning from Learners”, vol. 3, 161-168. A. Cockburn & E. Nardi, UEA, Norwich.
  • Kafoussi, S. (2003). Discussing about the concept of probability in a kindergarten classroom. Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Mathematical Education, 459- 465. Eds. A. Gagatsis & S. Papastavridis, Athens, Hellas.
  • Kafoussi, , Skoumpourdi, S. & Kalabassis, F. (2003). An analysis of Greek school textbooks’ pictorial representations about multiplication.  Proceedings of  CIEAEM 55, “The use of didactic materials for developing pupil’s  mathematical activities”. Poland.
  • Chaviaris, P. & Kafoussi, (2003). Small group students’ involvement in a mathematical activity and its relation to their beliefs about cooperation. Proceedings of CIEAEM 55, “The use of didactic materials for developing pupil’s mathematical activities”. Poland.
  • Chaviaris, P. & Kafoussi, (2005).  Students’ reflection on their sociomathematical small-group interaction: a case study. Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the International Group on the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), Vol. 2, 241-248. Eds. H. L. Chick & J. L. Vincent, Melbourne.
  • Kafoussi, S. (2005). Parents’ and teachers’ interaction concerning students’ mathematics learning. Proceedings of CIEAEM 57, “Changes in society: A challenge for Mathematics Education”, 221-225.
  • Kafoussi, S. (2006). Parents’ and students’ interaction in mathematics: designing home mathematical activities. Proceedings of CIEAEM 58, “Changes in society: A challenge for Mathematics Education”, Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica (Mathematica), 2009, 19(3), 79-85. Srni, Czech Republic.
  • Kafoussi, S. & Skoumpourdi, C. (2006). Teachers’ evaluation about students’ errors in probability and their didactical interventions. Proceedings of CIEAEM 58, “Changes in society: A challenge for Mathematics Education”, Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica (Mathematica), 2009, 19(3), 1-7. Srni, Czech Republic.
  • Skoumpourdi, C., Tatsis, K. & Kafoussi, S. (2007). Kindergarten children’s informal knowledge about probability. Proceedings of CIEAEM 59, “Mathematical activity in classroom practice and as research object in didactics: two complementary perspectives”, 59-63. Hungary (invited for semi-plenary session)
  • Tatsis, K., Kafoussi, S. & Skoumpourdi, C. (2008). Discussing on the fairness of probabilistic games: The creation of a discursive community with kindergarten children. Proceedings of CME 08 (Children’s Mathematical Education) In B. Maj, M. Pytlak, E. Swoboda (Eds.), Supporting independent thinking through mathematical education. Rzeszów: University of Rzeszów, 167-173.
  • Kafoussi, (2009). Designing intercultural instructional tasks for kindergarten classrooms with pre-service teachers. Proceedings of CIEAEM61, Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica (Matematica), 19 (2), 394-399. Montreal, Canada.
  • Mokos, E., Chaviaris, P. & Kafoussi, S. (2009). Metacognitive skills and different kinds of mathematical problems at fourth grade. Proceedings of CIEAEM61, Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica (Matematica), 19 (2), 172-177. Montreal, Canada.
  • Fesakis, G. & Kafoussi, S. (2009). Kindergarten children capabilities in combinatorial problems using computer microworlds and manipulatives. Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education(PME), “In Search for Theories in Mathematics Education”, vol. 3, 41-48. Eds. M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou, H. Sakonidis, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Kalavasis, F., Kafoussi, S., Skoumpourdi, C. & Tatsis, K. (2010). Interdisciplinarity and Complexity (I-C) in Mathematics  Education : Mathematical aspects, school practice and didactical approach. Proceedings of CIEAEM62, “Mathematics as a living, growing discipline CIEAEM’s contribution to making this explicit,” 23-27, London.
  • Mokos, E. & Kafoussi, S. (2011). Metacognitive functions during problem solving in pairs: A case study. Proceedings of CIEAEM63, “Facilitating access and Participation: Mathematical Practices inside and outside the classroom”, Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica (Matematica), 22, 361-365. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Noulis, I. & Kafoussi, S. (2011). Mathematical difficulties of students with asperger syndrome in multiplication: a pilot research. Proceedings of CIEAEM63, “Facilitating access and Participation: Mathematical Practices inside and outside the classroom”, Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica (Matematica), 22, 429-433. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Noulis, I. & Kafoussi, S. (2012). Greek school textbooks and children with asperger syndrome: the case of multiplication. Proceedings of CIEAEM64, “Mathematics Education and Democracy”, Special Issue of the Journal HMS i JME, 286-291. Eds. S. Kafoussi, C. Skoumpourdi,  Kalavasis,  Rhodes, Greece.
  • Kafoussi, S. & Chaviaris, P. (2012). The Greek primary school teachers’ values about mathematical thinking. Proceedings of CIEAEM64, “Mathematics Education and Democracy”, Special Issue of the Journal HMS i JME, 331-336. Eds. S. Kafoussi, C. Skoumpourdi, Kalavasis,  Rhodes, Greece.
  • Mokos, E. & Kafoussi, S. (2012). Linking democracy and metacognition: the case of open-ended problems. Proceedings of CIEAEM64, “Mathematics Education and Democracy”, Special Issue of the Journal HMS i JME, 427-433. Eds. S. Kafoussi, C. Skoumpourdi, Kalavasis,  Rhodes, Greece.
  • Kafoussi, S., Moutsios-Rentzos, A. & Chaviaris, P (2014). An investigation on the school socio-cultural identity and the perceived parental involvement on mathematics learning in Greece. Proceedings of CIEAEM66, Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica Mathematics, 24(1), 308-311. Lyon, France.
  • S. (2016). Teaching statistics in primary school: collecting and organizing data. ICME 13, Humbourg, Germany.
  • Kafoussi, S., Moutsios-Rentzos, A. & Chaviaris, P. (2017). Investigating parental influences on sixth graders’ mathematical identity: the case of attainment. Proceedings of MES 9, 2, 592-602. Ed. Anna Chronaki, Volos, Greece.
  • Kafoussi, S., Chaviaris, P. & Moutsios-Rentzos, A. (2018). Investigating the role of the Greek primary school students’ parents in their mathematical identity formation. First Congress of Greek Mathematicians. Athens, Greece. (in press)
  • Kafoussi, S., Moutsios-Rentzos, A. & Chaviaris, P. (2019). Constructing students’ mathematical identity at home: the case of homework. Proceedings of Portugal (in press)
  • Tsampouraki, A. & Kafoussi, S. (2019). Investigating primary school students’ intuitions of infinity: a pilot research. Proceedings of Portugal (in press)


  •  Boufi, A. & Kafoussi, S. (1996). A student teacher’s attempts to analyze a student’s learning. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on the Psychology of Mathematics Education(PME), vol. I, 158. (Short Oral Communication)
  • Kapelou, K. & Kafoussi, S. (2003). A sequence of instructional activities about number-operator for kindergarten children. Proceedings of CIEAEM 55, “The use of didactic materials for developing pupil’s mathematical activities”. Poland. (Forum of Ideas).
  • Chaviaris, P., Kafoussi, S. & Kalavassis, F. (2004). The development of social and sociomathematical norms in collaborative small- group work in a classroom: a case study, ΕCER, (Abstract) http://brs.leeds.ac.uk/~beiwww/BEIA/ecer2004.htm
  • Kafoussi, S. (2006). Reading visual representations of data with kindergarten children. Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group on the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), vol. 1, 266. Eds. J. Novotna, H. Moraova, M. Kratka, N. Stehlikova, Prague. (Short Oral Communication)
  • Chaviaris, P. &  Kafoussi, S. (2006). “Mathematics education and school failure: a method to study this relation”. Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group on the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), vol. 1, 373. Eds. J. Novotna, H. Moraova, M. Kratka, N. Stehlikova. Prague (Poster).
  • Chaviaris, P. & Kafoussi, S. (2008). Students’ self-regulation through meta-discursive reflection in mathematics. 3rd Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 16 Metacognition“, Ioannina, p. 73 (Abstract).


  • Kapelou, K. & Kafoussi, S. (2003). Natural numbers as operators. Proceedings of  CIEAEM 55, “The use of didactic materials for developing pupil’s mathematical activities”. Poland.
  • Kalavassis, F., Kafoussi, S. & Skoumpourdi, C. (2005). An instrument for errors’ evaluation and decision’s prevention in primary school. Proceedings of CIEAEM 57,“Changes in society: A challenge for Mathematics Education”, 273-277. Italy.