
Fessakis, G., Komis, V., Dimitracopoulou, A., Prantsoudi, S., (2019) Overview of the Computer Programming Learning Environments for primary education, Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education (Re S M ICT E), jul. 2019,13(1), pp. 7-33

Kritikos, G., & Dimitracopoulou A. (2017). Secondary Students’ Analogical Reflections on Unfamiliar Scientific ConceptsInternational Journal of Technologies in Learning 24(2):25-36 · January 2017, DOI: 10.18848/2327-0144/CGP/v24i02/25-36

Kritikos G. & Dimitracopoulou A. (2014)The impact of the Analogical Reflection on the Metacognitive Awareness, In The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning, Vol 20, 2014, www.thelearner.com, ISSN 2327-7971, © Common Ground [draft version]

Fessakis, G., Dimitracopoulou, A., Palaiodimos, A., (2013)Graphical Interaction Analysis Impact on Groups Collaborating through BlogsJournal of Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), pp.:243-253

Dimitracopoulou A. (2009)Computer based Interaction Analysis Supporting Self-regulation: Achievements and Prospects of an Emerging Research Direction, In Kinshuk, M.Spector, D.Sampson, P. Isaias (Guest editors). Special Issue: Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Era, Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning (TICL), Volume 6, Number 4, pp.291-314 (EN) http://www.oldcitypublishing.com/journals/ticl-home/ticl-issue-contents/ticl-volume-6-number-4-2009/

Fessakis G., Dimitracopoulou A., Tatsis K. (2008)Supporting “Learning by Design” Activities Using Group Blogs, Journal of Educational Technology and Society. Vol 11, Issue 4., 2008. pp.199-212. (EN)

Bratitsis T. & Dimitracopoulou A. (2008)Interpretation Issues in Monitoring and Analyzing Group Interactions in Asynchronous Discussions, Special Issue, International Journal of e-Collaboration ( IJeC), IDEA Group Inc, 4(1), 20-40. (EN)

van Joolingen W., de Jong T., & Dimitracopoulou A. (2007). Issues in Computer Supported Inquiry Learning in Sciences. Editorial in Special Issue on Computer Supported Inquiry Learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. (EN)

Fessakis G. & Dimitracopoulou A. (2006). Review of educational environments for programming: Technological and Pedagogical Dimensions, Themes in Education, Special Issue Computer Sciences Education: research dimensions, methods, tools, 7(3), pp. 279-304. (GR)

Hlapanis G. & Dimitracopoulou A. (2007). A School-Teachers’ Learning Community: Matters of Communication Analysis, (Guest Editors) P. Kirschner & K.-W. Lai, Special Issue on Online Communities of Practice in Education, Journal of Technology, Pedagogy, and Education, Volume 16, Issue 2, pp.133-151. (EN)

Smyrnaiou Ζ., Κomis V. & Dimitracopoulou Α. (2008). Contribution in 12 years old students’ reasoning study, when they use video, experimental objects and educational software: The case of acids and bases. Themes in Sciences and Technology in Education, Vol 1, N. 1, pp. 9-32. (GR)

Dimitracopoulou A. & Bruillard E. (2006). Enrich forum interfaces by visualization of interaction analysis’ outputs / Interfaces de Forum enrichies par la visualization d’analyses automatiques des interactions et du contenu, (Guest Editors) E.Bruillard & M.Sidir. Special Issue on ‘Forum de Discussion en Education’, Revue STICEF (Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Education et la Formation. Vol. 13. (FR)

Hlapanis. G. & Dimitracopoulou A. (2006). A Course Model implemented in a Teachers’ Learning Community Context: Issues of Course Assessment, Journal of Behaviour and Information Technology, 26(6), pp.561–578 (EN)

Hlapanis. G., Kordaki M. & Dimitracopoulou A (2006). Successful e-Courses: the role of Synchronous Communication and E-Moderation via Chat, In (Guest Editor) P. Kinshuk, Special issue on “Synchronous methods and applications in e-learning”, The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology. (EN)

Fessakis G., Dimitracopoulou A., Komis, V. (2005). Improving database design didactics in secondary education using action research. Journal of Computers in Human Behavior. Vol, 21,(2), pp. 159-194. (EN)

Dimitracopoulou A. & Komis V. (2005). Design principles for an open environment supporting education actors during modelling, collaboration and learning’ In C. Constantinou, Z. Zacharias & P. Kommers (Guest Editors), Special Issue on the “Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Science Teaching and Learning. Int. J. Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning. (EN)

Petrou Αth. R. & Dimitracopoulou A. (2006). The need of a communication –collaboration platform, in special needs school, for the education of students with corporal disabilities: Research Results. Special Needs Themes. No 33 & 34, 2005-2006. (GR)

Hlapanis, G., Bratitsis T. & Dimitracopoulou A. (2004). Teachers Training through activities in a Virtual Learning Community: The case of the Community related to the University of the Aegean,Journal of Sciences of Education, Special Issue Continuous Education and Education by Distance in the Society of Information. (GR)

Petrou Αth. R. & Dimitracopoulou A., (2005), Exploiting technologies and communicational tools by children with corporal disabilities. Special Needs Themes. No 30 & 31, 2004-2005. (GR)

Avouris N., Dimitracopoulou A. & Komis V. (2003). On evaluation of collaborative problem solving: Methodological issues of interaction analysis. Journal of Computers in Human Behaviour (JCHB), Volume 19, Issue 2 or 3, (March- May 2003), Pergamon. (EN)

Dimitracopoulou A. (2002). Educational Activities via Internet: Principles for a significant educational use. WorkingNotes Rhodes: Special Issue: Bilinguals and Learning through Internet, Editions: Pedagogical Institute & Aegean University. pp. 73-84. (GR)

Tselios N., Avouris N. & Dimitracopoulou A. & Daskalaki S. (2001). Evaluation of Distance Learning Environments: Impact of Usability on Student Performance, In International Journal of Educational Telecommunications, Volume 7, Number 4, 2001, pp. 355-378. (EN)

Vosniadou S., Ioannides C., Dimitracopoulou A., Papademitriou E. (2001).Designing Learning Environments to promote conceptual understanding, LEARNING and INSTRUCTION, 11 (2001). pp. 381-419. (EN)

Komis V., Dimitracopoulou A., Politis P. & Avouris N. (2001). “Expérimentations sur l’utilisation d’un logiciel de modélisation par petits groupes d’élèves”, Sciences et Τechniques Εducatives (STE), Hermes, Vol. 8, No 1-2, 2001, pp. 75-86. (EN)

Politis P., Komis V., Dimitracopoulou A., (2001). “MODELSCREATOR : un logiciel de modélisation permettant l’utilisation des règles logiques et la prise de décisionPolitis_komis adimitr_EPI journal FR_2001, Enseignement Publique et Informatique, Νο 102, 2001, pp. 179-199. (EN)

Dimitracopoulou A., (1999). Taking advantage of e-mail use in educational practice: How, when and why? Lingual Computer Vol 1, Νο 1, December 1999., pp 130-145. (GR)

Dimitracopoulou A. (1999). The educational applications of information technologies in teaching of physics science: what they offer and how we exploit them? (invited paper) EPITHEORISI FYSIKIS, 3rd Period, Vol. H’, No 30, pp.48-58. (GR)

Dimitracopoulou A.(1998). Designing Educational Software: From the empirical approaches in an interdisciplinary approach. Journal of Contemporary Education, No 100, pp. 114-123 & No 101, pp. 95-104. (GR)