Plenary and Special session Speakers

The program includes plenary and special sessions where invited speakers will focus on aspects of the conference theme. The plenaries provide a shared input to the conference and form a basis for discussions in the working groups.


Plenary speakers:

Ole Skovsmose (Denmark) has a special interest in critical mathematics education. He has investigated the notions of landscape of investigation, mathematics in action, students' foreground, and ghettoising. He has been professor at Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University, Denmark, but is now retired and is living most of his time in Brazil. He has published several books including Towards a Philosophy of Critical Mathematics Education, Dialogue and Learning in Mathematics Education (together with Helle Alrø), Travelling Through Education, In Doubt, and An Invitation to Critical Mathematics Education.

Koeno Gravemeijer (Netherlands) is professor emeritus in Science and Technology Education at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. Earlier he was professor in Mathematics Education at Utrecht University (Utrecht, the Netherlands) and Vanderbilt University (Nashville, USA). His research interests concern curriculum development, instructional design, domain-specific instruction theories (such as the theory for realistic mathematics education, RME), teacher professional development, the use of computer tools, and students' use of symbols and modeling. In relation to the latter he developed the so-called 'emergent modeling' design heuristic. Next to his research activities, he also has been involved in instructional design. He has been the leading author of an RME textbook series for Dutch primary schools, and he was involved in the development of the textbook series for the American Middle School, "Mathematics in Contexts"—a collaborative project of the Dutch Freudenthal Institute and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Anna Chronaki (Greece) was born in the island of Crete. She has studied, lived and worked in the UK for almost a decade. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Thessaly and lives at the city of Volos from 2001. She has participated in a number of projects concerning the processes involved as part of implementing digital technologies in education and mathematics education in the early ages, as well as, the study of mathematics teaching and learning as a sociocultural and political practice in multicultural contexts. She has published in international journals such as Educational Studies in Mathematics, the European Journal of Educational Psychology, Computers and Education, Journal of Philosophy in Mathematics Education, and in referred conference proceedings such as MES, PME, ISCAR and ΕΑRLI. She has authored a monograph on the 'Εpistemology of Constructivism' and has edited two books 'Challenging Perspectives on Mathematics Classroom Communication (IAP_press) and 'Mathematics, Technology and the 'Body' of Education: Gendered perspectives (UT_ press). She is a member of the editorial board of journals such as the International Journal of Media, Technology and Life Long Learning (, the Journal Research in Mathematics Teaching (Kedros), the Journal Critical Sciences and Education (Nisos), and the web-journal Learning with Technologies (e-diktyo).

Corneille Kazadi (Canada) is a professor at the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières. He is also director of the department of educational sciences and director of the Laboratory of Studies and Research in Transdisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Education (LERTIE). He is a researcher associated with the Centre of Research in Science Teaching (CREAS-Sherbrooke University). He is editor of the Interdisciplinary Teaching Journal (RID). As mathematics didactician, he is interested in errors, difficulties, obstacles, failures in mathematics teaching and learning, in problem solving, fuzzy complex problems and relation to knowledge. He is also interested in teachers' training, learning integrated assessment, conceptions and representations of teachers and students in mathematics.
Corneille Kazadi (Canada) est professeur à l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, il est aussi directeur du département des sciences de l'éducation et directeur du Laboratoire d'Études et de Recherches Transdisciplinaire et Interdisciplinaires en Éducation (LERTIE), Il est chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche sur l'Enseignement des Sciences (CREAS-Université de Sherbrooke). Il est directeur de la Revue d'Interdisciplinarité Didactique (RID). Didacticien des mathématiques, il s'intéresse aux erreurs, difficultés, obstacles, ruptures dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des mathématiques, à la résolution de problèmes, aux problèmes complexes flous, au rapport aux savoirs. Il s'intéresse aussi à la formation des maîtres, à l'évaluation intégrée des apprentissages, aux conceptions et aux représentations des enseignants et des élèves en mathématiques.
Curriculum Vitae


Special session speakers:

Theodore Chadjipantelis is currently a Professor at the Department of Political Science in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and President of the Managing Committee at the University of Western Macedonia. He served as head of the Department of Education and of the Political Science Dept. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Interior Decentralization and E-government for the new architecture of Administration and Regional Administration as well as the Special Committee for the electoral law. He is also a member of the scientific Committee of the "Institute of Local Government". He has also been adjunct manager of the Project "Career Services Office" at Aristotle University (2000-2001), member of the board in the Educational Research Centre (2000-2004), representative of the Hellenic Ministry of Education in EUROSTAT and national representative at FP6 Initiative 7 (Citizens and Governance in Knowledge Society).

He has over 100 publications on electoral behaviour, public opinion, statistics, urban and regional planning and he has been involved in many research initiatives and programs in Greece and abroad.